About Me

In lines of code, through screens of light,
There’s Jake, the programmer, in his daily fight.
Inventing this, and automating that,
Mostly something new, but sometimes old hat.

His portfolio and resume, a canvas reborn,
Fueled by determination, from dusk ’til morn,
With every keystroke, he refines his skill,
A coder’s journey, an unquenchable thrill.

Yet beneath his tech veneer, a passion takes hold,
Woodworking by hand, in stories yet untold,
Power tools eschewed, the grain beneath his hand,
Crafting works of art, in a peaceful, silent land.

Home automation, a puzzle he adores,
Connecting wires and gadgets, opening new doors,
In the realm of circuits and wires, he finds his peace,
Creating a smart home, where innovations never cease.

Two girls, mischievous, with laughter and glee,
Always finding trouble, a joyful sight to see,
Jake guides their curiosity, with love and care,
Teaching life’s lessons, with a patient, gentle stare.

Through screens and sawdust, in the trials of the day,
Jake’s journey unfolds in his own unique way,
From coding and crafting, to being a father true,
He finds his strength and purpose, in all that he’ll do.

So here’s to Jake, the programmer bold,
Whose story of life, in pixels and wood, is told,
With love, ambition, and courage his shield,
He’ll navigate the unknown, and never yield.