Jacob G. Tews



  • Go (Golang)
  • PHP (4-8)
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Shell Scripting

Data Storage

  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • SQLite
  • MongoDB
  • DynamoDB
  • ElasticSearch
  • InfluxDB

Server Orchestration

  • CDK (Cloud Development Kit)
  • Docker
  • Podman


  • Git
  • Subversion
  • Vim
  • VSCode


  • CDK
  • Lambda
  • EC2
  • RDS
  • S3
  • SES
  • OpenSearch
  • Lightsail

Operating Systems

  • Linux
    • Arch
    • Debian
    • Ubuntu
    • Alpine
  • ChromeOS



  • Migrated over 30 applications and websites from bare metal hosting to AWS, dropping costs by two-thirds
  • Developed AWS cloud formation stacks with CDK to manage infrastructure configuration and changes
  • Consolidated internal intranet applications into a single CRM with enhanced capabilities to track, manage, and automate business processes
  • Wrote and maintained 35 WordPress plugins to add features or integrate third-party APIs
  • Automated frequent tasks with custom tools written in Bash, Go, or Python to handle website deployment, analysis, or testing
  • Maintained development environments matching production environments with custom Docker containers
  • Utilized API endpoints from event management and email marketing services to provide marketing performance analysis
  • Transitioned code bases from FTP to Subversion to Git with compliance checking hooks and GitHub Workflows

Web Teks, Inc.

  • Developed websites for organizations including Dollar Tree, Neptune Festival, and approximately 150 others
  • Updated internal website framework from PHP 4 to utilize enhancements introduced in PHP 5
  • Implemented frontend designs with the latest HTML and CSS features
  • Optimized existing code bases to increase efficiency and lower server load; over 80 points in some cases
  • Configured and maintained a load balanced Apache environment with custom scripts and node synchronization
  • Wrote software in Java to control a robotic CD burner and printer for the US Navy’s Second Fleet, enabling them to securely move files out of their office
  • Converted file management of all websites from FTP to Subversion, eliminating accidental file overwrites and giving history and accountability to developers

Virginia Beach City Public Schools

  • Refactored school division website from Dreamweaver templates to ASP-powered includes for headers, footers, and repeated elements
  • Consolidated HTML-based styling into CSS for added consistency and lower page weight
  • Integrated XML documents with XSLT stylesheets to display, sort, and filter school details and information about their employees
  • Added e-commerce sections to the division website, backed by PayPal
  • Created interactive maps and animations with Flash and ActionScript


  • Tidewater Community College, A.S. Computer Science, 2005-2008
  • Landstown High School & Technology Academy, 2001-2005